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Download Free Soundfonts SF2

Yamaha PSR-2000 SoundFont SF2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.85 (120 Votes)

yamaha psr 2100In this free soundfont collection includes some sounds of good workstation keyboard Yamaha PSR-2000 in format SoundFont SF2. These patches included a series of PSR-S (S-600, S-900 ...and so on...). Do not look at a small file size. Sounds realy high quality sampled and looped and therefore take up very little space. Enjoy with this free soundfont.


E-mu Proteus-1 SoundFont SF2

A good quality sf2 banks of some presets from the legendary sintmodulya E-MU PROTEUS-1.


Korg 01/W SoundFont SF2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.88 (93 Votes)

korg 01wKORG 01/W is a workstation keyboard, which was first put into production in 1991, replacing a popular instrument Korg M1. This keyboard, which continued the traditional «KORG» sound, come down to our days as a series of «Triton» and «Oasys» etc.... This keyboard was produced until 1995.


Yamaha FS1-R SoundFont SF2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.70 (28 Votes)

yamaha synthWe present you the new and unique free soundfont collection! This module was first released in 1998. Samples in format SoundFont SF2 of the unique vintage synthesizer YAMAHA FS1-R, carefully mounted in a sound bank!


Kurzweil K-2500 SoundFont SF2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.68 (34 Votes)

kurzweil k2500We present you a new free soundfont collection, samples in format SoundFont SF2 of the famous vintage synthesizer Kurzweil K-2500. The set of entire 59 single-sample in format SF2 banks of different directions: bass, wind, brass, violin, guitar, etc....