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Download Free Soundfonts SF2
Yamaha PSR-2000 SoundFont SF2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.85 (120 Votes)
In this free soundfont collection includes some sounds of good workstation keyboard Yamaha PSR-2000 in format SoundFont SF2. These patches included a series of PSR-S (S-600, S-900 ...and so on...). Do not look at a small file size. Sounds realy high quality sampled and looped and therefore take up very little space. Enjoy with this free soundfont.
E-mu Proteus-1 SoundFont SF2
A good quality sf2 banks of some presets from the legendary sintmodulya E-MU PROTEUS-1.
Korg 01/W SoundFont SF2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.88 (93 Votes)
KORG 01/W is a workstation keyboard, which was first put into production in 1991, replacing a popular instrument Korg M1. This keyboard, which continued the traditional «KORG» sound, come down to our days as a series of «Triton» and «Oasys» etc.... This keyboard was produced until 1995.
Kurzweil K-2500 SoundFont SF2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.68 (34 Votes)
We present you a new free soundfont collection, samples in format SoundFont SF2 of the famous vintage synthesizer Kurzweil K-2500. The set of entire 59 single-sample in format SF2 banks of different directions: bass, wind, brass, violin, guitar, etc....