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Аrrangement of Мusic

Arrangement and its Features

make music

Yes! There is a topic about which we can talk long and hard, and at the end of the conversation did not budge an inch. The question of how to make an arrangement puts in a hopeless impasse. You begin to ask yourself - how to explain a person how to do it, if work on the arrangement requires not just a bunch of computer software, and not even a studio packed with synthesizers and treatment. it requires something else - the taste, knowledge, hearing, musical baggage, experience and so on... Well, of course, a decent room, adequate control and quality environment for recording important too.


Korg, Roland or Yamaha

Choosing of Synthesizer

Korg, Roland or Yamaha?

korg, roland, yamaha

Famous Japanese trio. Three brands, winning 70-80's all over the world. Because of them suffered losses Moog, Oberheim and Arp. They received the most advanced patents and flooded the world available and relatively inexpensive synthesizers.

Minded or ruthless competitors? Rivalry in the name of progress or savings in order to increase sales?


Buss Compression

Buss Compression

Buss Compression

Compression can be very difficult for you to understand the topic. Given that the market is now hundreds, if not thousands of different compressors, flour choice out of all this diversity, often able to stall novice sound engineers and producers. One of the most confusing and sparse side compression is Buss Compression. In this article I will try to shed some light on this subject, and dismantle its pros and cons.


Soviet Analog Synth

A few words about vinthage Soviet synthesizers

alisa soviet synth

Hi dear norCtrack users. Today I decided to talk a bit about the old Soviet synthesizers. Which are still relevant for modern music, especially for electronic music.


History of synthesizers

History of synthesizers

vinthage synth

Today we will talk about the history of the main, perhaps, modern musical instruments, tools, committed in the last century created a furor, tools, without which we would not know such thing as electronic music. We'll talk about those instruments that we all constantly use in our music experiments, when working on any track.

Buy vintage synth online...