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Frequency Modulation
Frequency Modulation - FM
Frequency Modulation, FM-synthesis - this type of synthesis, in which the tone is formed by the influence of one simple wave to another in order to change its frequency. Under the influence of frequency modulation spectral occur more rich and complex sounds that can not get with other types of synthesis.
How to assemble a home studio
How to assemble a home studio
Today, a lot of musicians want to have own home studio. And today our topic will focus on the home studio. I think it's pretty cool to have own studio, and to engage their creativity at home - for example make music, rec. your vocal or mix your own music, etc...
Equalizers - EQ
Hi dear norCtrack users. Today we will talk about a very important tool - Equalizers.
Equalizer - a tool with which you can work on part of the spectrum of sound, leaving the other components of the spectrum intact.
Мixing Мusic
Perhaps mixing music - one the most sensitive issues related to the musical production. First, because a single recipe, how to make mix does not exist. Ultimately, the result largely depends not on the methods and algorithms, and the approach of a particular specialist, which makes this reduction. From his artistic vision result from his tastes and preferences.
What studio monitors to choose
How to choose the Studio Monitors
Hello dear norCtrack Users. We have already written an article about Sound Cards. Today we will talk about studio monitors. The studio monitors is a very important part for home and professional studios, without which the studio can not be complete. Typically professional studios has several types of monitors. But enough for the home studio, one or two types.